St. Benedict Religious Education - Summer Academy Program for Grades 1 – 7. (PLEASE NOTE: 8th Grade (final Confirmation Prep) is not offered during Summer Academy.) This is a one week highly educational, yet fun-filled experience with the students attending Monday –Friday from 8:45am –2:45pm. (Aftercare is available until 5pm. Please complete & return EDP form if interested by June 1, 2024.)
The weeklong Summer Session is supplemented for all grades by attendance at a minimum of four (4) Family Day (Grades 1-6) or CYO (Grade 7) events during the regular 2024-25 school year. There is also a mandatory service component involved, as follows:
6 Graders will be responsible for a total of 5 service hours.
7 Graders will be responsible for a total of 10 service hours.
8 Graders will be responsible for a total of 10 service hours.
The Summer Academy Program is offered with the understanding that the Church considers the parents to be the primary educators of their children, and that faith formation is taught together with the Parish. Parents agree to model a faith life at home, attend Mass and holy days on a regular basis and attend the family catechetical required family days.
Space is limited in each session (Usually a maximum of 30 students per grade, per session).