165 Bethany Road
Holmdel, New Jersey 07733
Dear Young Adults (Age 18-39)
Welcome to our Informational & Registration Page!
The St. Benedict Catholic Young Adults (C.Y.A.) Organization invites you to join us for our monthly gatherings on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month, 7:00pm to enjoy Friends, Fun, and Faith!
We are also looking for a team of individuals who are visionary, self-starting leaders to plan and facilitate our parish ministry.
If you are interested in joining us for our gatherings, and/or getting involved with the planning board, please get connected with us by…
Follow us now on IG: @stbensyoungadult
Are you a young adult? Are you looking for a vibrant community of other young adults who are seeking to grow their faith and find authentic Catholic fellowship? Maybe you are a single person, maybe you are a young married couple, maybe you are a discerning religious life. If so, then St. Benedict is the place for you. We welcome any and all newcomers to our young adult group.
Theology on Tap
Small Group
Faith Sharing
Follow us IG @stbensyouthgroup
Fill out our Interest Form Here:
For More Information Please Contact:
Mr. Ciro Saverino, Coordinator of Youth & Young Adult Ministries
This is an awesome young adult event that is put on by the Franciscan Friars Of The Renewal one Saturday a month from 7:30pm-10:30pm in Manhattan at Our Lady Of Good Counsel. These evenings are broken down into two Parts. The first part of the night is centered around Eucharistic adoration with praise and worship and the second part showcases Catholic Culture including music, poetry, visual art, dancers, film, drama, and more. The schedule for the Fall is listed below. If you have any questions, would like to go to Catholic Underground with other young adults from St. Benedict, or are looking for more information on these events, please call Faith Formation office.
Official Catholic Underground Website: http://catholicunderground.net/home.html